Lesson 9:
Introduction to Solidity functions and how to use it in your smart contracts.
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Functions can be defined inside and outside of contracts. Functions take typed parameters as input.
To write or update a state variable you need to send a transaction.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
// Free function defined outside of a contract
// Always has implicit internal visibility
function freeFunction(uint a, uint b) pure returns (uint) {
return a + b;
contract Simple {
uint sum;
// Function defined inside a contract
// Takes two uint parameters as input
function taker(uint a, uint b) public {
sum = a + b;
// Function that returns multiple values
// The names of return variables can be omitted
function arithmetic(uint a, uint b)
returns (uint, uint)
return (a + b, a * b);
// Function that uses an early return
// Must provide return values together with the return statement
function earlyReturn(uint a, uint b)
returns (uint sum, uint product)
if (a == 0 || b == 0) {
return (0, 0);
sum = a + b;
product = a * b;