Lesson 24:
Introduction to fallback function and how to use it in your smart contracts.
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function is activated when:
- A contract is called without any function that exists
- No data was provided and there is no receive Ether function
A contract can have at most one fallback
function declared using either:
fallback() external payable { ... }
fallback (bytes calldata input) external payable returns (bytes memory output) { ... }
If fallback
function was used in place of a receive
function, it will only have 2300 gas stipend to limit gas intensive operations.
Notice how function
keyword is not required when declaring a fallback
function. All fallback functions must have external
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
// Example 1: Receiving Ether
contract EtherReceiver {
uint public totalReceived;
// This fallback function is used to keep track of the total Ether received by the contract.
// It's triggered when Ether is sent to the contract's address in a transaction without data.
fallback() external payable {
totalReceived += msg.value;
// Example 2: Proxy Pattern
contract Proxy {
address public implementation;
constructor(address _implementation) {
implementation = _implementation;
// This fallback function is used to implement the proxy pattern.
// Assuming implementation variable has `delegatecall` function.
// It catches any calls that don't match any of the proxy's functions and forwards them to the implementation contract.
// It's triggered when a function that doesn't exist in the proxy contract is called.
fallback() external payable {
(bool success, ) = implementation.delegatecall(;
// Example 3: Default Functionality
contract DefaultFunctionality {
// Event to emit when the fallback function is triggered
event FallbackTriggered(string message);
// This fallback function provides default functionality when no function is specified or the specified function doesn't exist.
// It's triggered when the contract is called without specifying any function, or if the function specified doesn't exist in the contract.
fallback() external {
// Emit an event when the fallback function is triggered
emit FallbackTriggered("Fallback function was called.");
// Example 4: Fallback with bytes type input and output
contract FallbackWithInputOutput {
// Event to emit when the fallback function is triggered
event FallbackTriggered(string message, bytes input, bytes output);
// This fallback function takes an input, performs some operation, and returns an output.
// It's triggered when the contract is called without specifying any function, or if the function specified doesn't exist in the contract.
fallback(bytes calldata input) external payable returns (bytes memory) {
// Perform some operation with the input
bytes memory output = new bytes(input.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
output[i] = input[i];
// Emit an event when the fallback function is triggered
emit FallbackTriggered("Fallback function was called.", input, output);
return output;